Friday, October 10, 2008

Pitt-bulls and raspberry jam

This past weekend, The RxWench and her family went to an area harvest festival. It was interesting to say the least...The wenchlets enjoyed picking raspberries, which I made into jam (19 jars of jam, thankyouverymuch) and we picked out our pumpkins. Mr Wench enjoyed a very large Italian sausage-on-bun (biting tongue, many rude comments on the tip of it!!) and I, of course, took pictures. I am going to get oldest wenchlet (and more computer savvy than her mother) help me post some pictures.

I also did a lot of people watching.

My biggest question is: do people seriously think it is a good idea to bring their yappy, little dogs to the festival amongst about 3000-odd people? Really? How about the dude walking a very large-headed pit-bull with one of those poke-him-in-the-neck style choke chains? Strolling about with little children EVERYWHERE. Little children who are the same height as massive-headed, choke-collared, biting machine. At least there would be a LOT of witnesses...

There were also lots of little children being drug by impatient parents. With snotty noses.

And many families, and babies, and smiling faces. There was a nip in the air, and the smell of kettle corn and the clop!clop! of the draft horses pulling the wagonloads of people. I watched my teen/tween girls and fondly remembered years past when I was dragging snotty-nosed wenchlets through the crowds (without a dog, of course). Fall always makes me wistful.

It was a lovely day all in all. And I have 19 jars of raspberry jam to prove it. So there.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun- except for the snotty nosed pit-bulls, oh I mean...never mind. ;)

Can't wait to see pictures, and I also can't wait to go there myself next Friday. Maybe we'll stop by and bug you for a few minutes! I'm wanting to take my kids to Manito Park after and take some pictures.

And if you didn't see, I posted a couple of pics on my blog from our scrappin' and yappin'. I'm not an expert at Photoshop, so I just cropped out any parts I thought you would be embarrassed over. ;)

Cynthia said...

Ah yes, it IS that time of year. I'm so impressed with your raspberry jam making! When we lived in the PNW we could do that with blackberries- and you can't beat free!

Alas, I'm a slacker and haven't made any jam this year. Still have some from last season though so it's all good.

My sister is also a part time rx for Big Box Mart and they keep trying to get her to go full time. She's pg with a 'wenchlet' though so it ain't happenin'.

Sue said...

Hey, glad to have found you. I'll be back. I don't have anything profound to add, just keeping on keeping on.

. said...

LOL at the medieval looking dog collar for the pitbul. We have a boxer/pit mix and I understand the need for such a torturous looking device. Seriously, these hounds are strong and nothing phases them. Still why bring a dog to such a place? Things that make me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Covered In Crafts said...


Covered In Crafts said...

I demand you make a new post. :)

Covered In Crafts said...

UPDATE! LOL! How dare you be too busy to blog. ;)

MGodss said...


I am here!!!

Update please, or I will start linking Adam Glambert pictures...